ootm vehicle problem "
ootm technical problem "
ootm classics problem "
ootm structure problem "
ootm performance problem "

Problem Synopses

We do not teach OMers (students) how to solve a Problem, we teach them how to be Problem Solvers! There are two types of “problems” in Odyssey of the Mind: Long-Term Problems and Spontaneous Problems. Each year, we release six original Long Term Problems – five competitive problems for students from kindergarten through college and one primary problem for K-2nd graders.


Every team member in Long-Term Problems will have a part to play in the various phases of problem-solving, which include composing drawings, creating sets, artwork, technical design, brainstorming, and much more! A live performance presents the solutions. Everyone gains the ability to think outside the box. Although long-term problems change annually, they can be broadly classified into the following categories: Mechanical/Vehicle: Teams design, build, and operate vehicles of various sizes and with various power sources to solve certain tasks.

Technical: Teams are challenged to design and build innovative contraptios and incorporate artistic elements in their solutions.

Classics: Each year the creative challenge of this problem requires a solution that incorporates some element of the classical taken from either literature, architecture or art.

Structure: Teams design and build a structure using balsa wood and glue. They test it to determine how much weight it can support sometimes more than thousand pounds!

Performance: In this problem teams present performances that revolve around a specific theme and incorporate several required elements.

Part II - Spontaneous problem

All teams compete in one of three forms of on-the-spot Competition. Spontaneous problems can be Verbal, Hands-on, or verbal-hands-on.


Style is the elaboration of the Long-term problem solution. This category provides teams with the opportunity to showcase their skills and to incorporate their interests into their solutions.

Style can be art, music, dance, humor, engineering, costuming, creative writing, creative use of materials, and on and on.

View Problem Synopses of the Year
2023   |    2018   |    2017   |    2016   |   

2015   |    2014


judging criteria